My word for 2024

Hey lovely person, are you someone who feels the significance of the new year as it rolls over you? No, me either. Well, that was until I noticed a few people setting themselves a theme for the year. That actually made me ponder. In a broader kind of way than, say, ‘buy fewer shower gels’, I mean that is a thing I’m not proud of, so I will work on that this year…but you know, those SMELLS aaaah….

But in some poetic way, it really appeals to me to think about the overarching VIBE I want to take with me into my working year, or into everything really, but mostly it’s about the business of creativity. And last year I had a ball, but there was always a feeling of not having enough time to get to whatever the goal was at the time. I noticed that I always felt rushed or stressed. And that is the opposite of being an artist in my books! Although anyone who has had an exhibition or started their own shop feels this way I suspect. The feeling of elation an artist gets when they are in the zone, well that’s where all the best fruits are hanging, in that timeless place on those far out branches. The feeling of worry or stress just interrupts that flow; inserts pesky thoughts and makes you second guess what you’re doing. F#%ck that! I’m also feeling like FLOW is how I want my patterns to evolve. I still have some learning to do and I want my pattern repeats to flow and be indiscernible! It’s definitely a lifelong pursuit.

So my word for 2024 is going to be FLOW.

FLOOOOW the feck down, go with the flow, be in flow, notice the flow, float downstream not push upstream, enjoy the ride, and trust that you know what’s right for you.

Have you got a word for 2024? I’d love to hear what it is!

Stay fluid peops, happy January…


Tamsin x


To market, to market jiggity jig